• Titlu: How to Reach Your Writing Goals
  • Autor: M.C. Simon
  • Categoria: Carti in limba engleza, Motivational/Inspirational, Viata de Scriitor
  • Nr. pagini: 176
  • An apariție: 2021
  • Colecție: The Writing Life
  • Format: 130×200 mm
  • Ediție: Paperback
  • ISBN: 978-606-95065-1-6

How to Reach Your Writing Goals like a Pro – Editura QUARTO

How to Reach Your Writing Goals – Sinopsis

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HOW TO REACH YOUR WRITING GOALS LIKE A PRO is your Step by Step Guide for becoming a Self-Published Author.

This book provides all the proven steps that you need to plan your success and see your writing goals fulfilled. It will not only help with your writing goals but if you adapt the procedures described within this book to all your life goals, you will soon become a Master of your own life.


  • Addresses those who feel that writing is their calling but still don’t have the confidence to do it.
  • Shows you how to find your answers to: who, what, when, why, and how?
  • Gives you the boost to overcome all your worries and finally start what should have already been started.
  • Proves to you that the road you wish to step onto is not as hard as you may think, or as difficult as others have convinced you of being.
  • Shows you how by following a good plan, you will finally see your book published from ground zero. Meanwhile, you will learn to enjoy each accomplished phase. And most of all… you will learn to relax while you are working for your goals.

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Mesaj de la autor

M.C. Simon pic

M.C. Simon is my pen name. When I chose it, I thought of making my readers lives easier. Can you imagine what it means for an English speaker to try pronouncing my birth name? If you can’t imagine yet… simply try to say it… Mirela-Carmen Simonescu. Did you get it? How was it? Just in case you did get it, I assure you that the true pronunciation of the name must be said in a completely different way.

“If you insist on believing that only swimming is possible, you will never learn to fly,” says one of my two favorite rules of life.

Yes, that’s me. I believe in the boundless possibilities, which are our birth gifts that maybe we have forgotten about; and I believe that we are the only ones who are blocking these gifts; blocking them due to our induced beliefs.

We can do anything, absolutely anything; with the only condition that We truly desire it.

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